Something I found on Facebook
ALL the things that we did when we were young, that we thought (at the time) made us SOOO cool.
you know u did it.
If you have anymore suggestions comment and we'll add them!
1)Wearing scrunchies. (we're assuming more girls than boys) like big ridiculous CHAV scrunchies, and tying ur hair up so it cut of the circulation to ur head.
1b) girls:crimping your hair with a block fringe, or braiding it whilst on holiday.
1c) boys: having blue highlights.
2) puffa jacket: luminous/metallic/BRIGHT colours
3)nike draw-string bags.
4)Drinking shandy and claiming that we were "pissed"
5) Sherbert multi-coloured straws. (they got banned at my school)
6) edible jewellery
7) pedal pushers from TAMMY.
8) guys who wore massive shirts with flames on them to school disco's.
9)School discos in general (boys on one side, girls on the other obviously)
10) The highlight of the school year was buying school shoes and pencil cases. (kickers)
11)spice girls memorabilia, especially photos (also banned!)
12) live and kicking / SM:TV LIVE / top of the pops.
13) YO-YO'S
14) pogs / gogo's
15) pokemon cards
16) tamagotchi's
17) leapfrog
18) pretending to smoke "candy cigarettes"
19) boys not letting girls play football. or climb trees
20) growing out ur fringe.. bad idea.
21) centre partings, curling your fringe with a brush and curtains. were not a good look either.
22) coloured mascara, we all need blue eyelashes.
22b) Blue eyeshadow and gerneral glittery or colourful hair extensions/grips. possibly even hair bands that were made out of fake hair.. oh dear.
23) discovering ink-erasers, tipex and SOAP rubbers.
24) nickelodeon - sister sister, kenan and kel, saved by the bell, sabrina the teenage witch, clarissa explains it all, are you afraid of the dark, the secret world of alex mac (lisa's personal fav)
24b) and knowing all the theme tunes word for word.
25) other fav tv shows, fresh prince, art attack, blue peter, fun house etc..
26) reading goosebumps and genuinley being scared. (i was actually scared to go to my piano lessons after 'piano lessons can be murder')
27) going to disneyland and wasting all the photos on the damn parade.
28) playground games: hop scotch, british bulldog, kiss chase, stuck in the mud, POLO, (generally games that involved a wall and the aim was to reach said wall first)
29) party games: pass the parcel, duck duck goose, musical chairs and musical statues. also.. PARTY BAGS.
30) gingham summer dresses/ general summer dresses
31) getting your mobile phone for the first time. one of either 5110,3210,3310 nokia.
31b) Changable covers for ur phone was essential
32c) playing original snake... SNAKE 2 WAS NEVER AS GOOD.
32)having the 'kick' ring tone.
33) getting cycling proficiency
34) it being a hassle to get into 12 rated movies before the times of 12A.
35) when a boyfriend/girlfriend consisted only of: holding hands and walking around the playground during break time and lunchtime.
36) only being allowed on the field when it was hot enough or when the teachers put a sign saying it was allowed. :(
37)school/ hallway/door monitors
38) ny caps
39) listening to bands like; 911, backstreetboys, 5ive, b*witched, spice girls, all saints, east17 (before the drugs scandal) A1, Sclub7, STEPS
40) dance music consisiting of; sweet female attitude -i'll bring you flowers, snap - rythm is a dancer,craig david (possibly?), ace of bass - all that she wants, AQUA - barbie girl, SClub7 - bring it all back
40b) Knowing all the words to and performing a dance to bring it all back in a school talent show at any point. / in the school yard.
41)making a band at school - being the manager/choreographer if you weren't cool enough to be in the band.
42) beanie babies
43) warhammer
44) ALIENS, they fed and bred.. what more could you want from a pet?
45) adidas poppers tracksuit bottoms...or le coq sportif :)
46) shag bands
47) sticker collections
48) nintendo/megadrive
49) swaps with football cards
50) gladiators - sorry we forgot the leg-end that was WOLF and Co.
51) Kappa jackets
52) south park (apparantly although i was never a fan joanna) haha
54) great comebacks. "NOT" "i know you are, you said you are so what am i" "talk to the hand cos the face aint listening"
arguments used to be great.
55) push pops - the originals. not these technological ones which spring back up...the ones which got stuck in the container!!
56) street games. kerby was the best. who made up a game where the aim was to hit a kerb???
57) jelly shoes. although these have been in fashion many times and may not be just an 11 thing.
58) games played on the field at school - handstands (when you had to make shapes with your legs such as "scissors" and "fork" which all really looked the same anyway)
59) clapping games - yes extremely good and potentially dangerous once they were done quickly.
60) cats craddle - didn't this just go round in circles!!so frustrating! - i always thought there was some secret thing which happened at "the end"
61) people having the "lurgy". the phrase "injection, injection, no infection" was used as protection from this deadly disease.
62) taping the top 40 everyweek and trying to stop the tape before the evil DJ started to speak.
63) *snap bracelets* where you used to "slap" them on your wrist.
64) 'snow rain thunder lightning' - DEFINATELY DESERVES A MENTION. for those not in the know this game involved making funny shapes with your legs in the air during handstands!!!
65) hair bands with your name on the top in gooey awful drippy writing...i cant find a better description
ALL the things that we did when we were young, that we thought (at the time) made us SOOO cool.
you know u did it.
If you have anymore suggestions comment and we'll add them!
1)Wearing scrunchies. (we're assuming more girls than boys) like big ridiculous CHAV scrunchies, and tying ur hair up so it cut of the circulation to ur head.
1b) girls:crimping your hair with a block fringe, or braiding it whilst on holiday.
1c) boys: having blue highlights.
2) puffa jacket: luminous/metallic/BRIGHT colours
3)nike draw-string bags.
4)Drinking shandy and claiming that we were "pissed"
5) Sherbert multi-coloured straws. (they got banned at my school)
6) edible jewellery
7) pedal pushers from TAMMY.
8) guys who wore massive shirts with flames on them to school disco's.
9)School discos in general (boys on one side, girls on the other obviously)
10) The highlight of the school year was buying school shoes and pencil cases. (kickers)
11)spice girls memorabilia, especially photos (also banned!)
12) live and kicking / SM:TV LIVE / top of the pops.
13) YO-YO'S
14) pogs / gogo's
15) pokemon cards
16) tamagotchi's
17) leapfrog
18) pretending to smoke "candy cigarettes"
19) boys not letting girls play football. or climb trees
20) growing out ur fringe.. bad idea.
21) centre partings, curling your fringe with a brush and curtains. were not a good look either.
22) coloured mascara, we all need blue eyelashes.
22b) Blue eyeshadow and gerneral glittery or colourful hair extensions/grips. possibly even hair bands that were made out of fake hair.. oh dear.
23) discovering ink-erasers, tipex and SOAP rubbers.
24) nickelodeon - sister sister, kenan and kel, saved by the bell, sabrina the teenage witch, clarissa explains it all, are you afraid of the dark, the secret world of alex mac (lisa's personal fav)
24b) and knowing all the theme tunes word for word.
25) other fav tv shows, fresh prince, art attack, blue peter, fun house etc..
26) reading goosebumps and genuinley being scared. (i was actually scared to go to my piano lessons after 'piano lessons can be murder')
27) going to disneyland and wasting all the photos on the damn parade.
28) playground games: hop scotch, british bulldog, kiss chase, stuck in the mud, POLO, (generally games that involved a wall and the aim was to reach said wall first)
29) party games: pass the parcel, duck duck goose, musical chairs and musical statues. also.. PARTY BAGS.
30) gingham summer dresses/ general summer dresses
31) getting your mobile phone for the first time. one of either 5110,3210,3310 nokia.
31b) Changable covers for ur phone was essential
32c) playing original snake... SNAKE 2 WAS NEVER AS GOOD.
32)having the 'kick' ring tone.
33) getting cycling proficiency
34) it being a hassle to get into 12 rated movies before the times of 12A.
35) when a boyfriend/girlfriend consisted only of: holding hands and walking around the playground during break time and lunchtime.
36) only being allowed on the field when it was hot enough or when the teachers put a sign saying it was allowed. :(
37)school/ hallway/door monitors
38) ny caps
39) listening to bands like; 911, backstreetboys, 5ive, b*witched, spice girls, all saints, east17 (before the drugs scandal) A1, Sclub7, STEPS
40) dance music consisiting of; sweet female attitude -i'll bring you flowers, snap - rythm is a dancer,craig david (possibly?), ace of bass - all that she wants, AQUA - barbie girl, SClub7 - bring it all back
40b) Knowing all the words to and performing a dance to bring it all back in a school talent show at any point. / in the school yard.
41)making a band at school - being the manager/choreographer if you weren't cool enough to be in the band.
42) beanie babies
43) warhammer
44) ALIENS, they fed and bred.. what more could you want from a pet?
45) adidas poppers tracksuit bottoms...or le coq sportif :)
46) shag bands
47) sticker collections
48) nintendo/megadrive
49) swaps with football cards
50) gladiators - sorry we forgot the leg-end that was WOLF and Co.
51) Kappa jackets
52) south park (apparantly although i was never a fan joanna) haha
54) great comebacks. "NOT" "i know you are, you said you are so what am i" "talk to the hand cos the face aint listening"
arguments used to be great.
55) push pops - the originals. not these technological ones which spring back up...the ones which got stuck in the container!!
56) street games. kerby was the best. who made up a game where the aim was to hit a kerb???
57) jelly shoes. although these have been in fashion many times and may not be just an 11 thing.
58) games played on the field at school - handstands (when you had to make shapes with your legs such as "scissors" and "fork" which all really looked the same anyway)
59) clapping games - yes extremely good and potentially dangerous once they were done quickly.
60) cats craddle - didn't this just go round in circles!!so frustrating! - i always thought there was some secret thing which happened at "the end"
61) people having the "lurgy". the phrase "injection, injection, no infection" was used as protection from this deadly disease.
62) taping the top 40 everyweek and trying to stop the tape before the evil DJ started to speak.
63) *snap bracelets* where you used to "slap" them on your wrist.
64) 'snow rain thunder lightning' - DEFINATELY DESERVES A MENTION. for those not in the know this game involved making funny shapes with your legs in the air during handstands!!!
65) hair bands with your name on the top in gooey awful drippy writing...i cant find a better description
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