Lately I've been attacked by top male models.By that I don't mean raped(oh god,I'd wish),but chased around my city,my life,my day.This is a top 3 male models that I always have to see either in magazines,stores,bus stations,etc.

I ran threw this English blond cute model about a few months ago (in my fashion-obsession beginnings) and the first thing that came up to my mind was "He looks short".But I changed my mind not along ago when I realized I was being chased by him in every fashion magazine that I was buying.Some people might know him as Kelly Osbourne's new boyfriend,but I don't...I knew about him before that.But while he was walking with Kelly was when I realised he's not short AT ALL.
You might know him from the Thomas Burberry (<3) little (big) campaign...or you might not.The truth is I've seen him in thousands of runway shows (actually I don't watch that many runway shows) and he does a pretty good job on Burberry since he's doing this season,too.
Okay,this relationship that me and Jon have is just ridiculous.Listen,Jon....STOP STALKING ME!I mean,you're hot and all,but I'm just not that into you.I still have that leaflet thing from Mango and I still wear your T-Shirt,but that doesn't mean that I'm in love with you.Every day,I have to see this goddamn "Tom Ford" picture five times a day!Leave me alone!!I still like your voice,tho.
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