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viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008
Song of the week 8
And it's the 8th week already,not counting the 2 that I was missing.Oh let's cut to the chase,shall we?
This week I shall be listening to one of the best collaborations this year (since there hasn't been any) and it's not even cheesy.Some people might have expected some more since it's Coldplay and Kylie Minogue,but some people just don't enjoy chill-out (not that it's chill-out,it's just chilling...).Okay I'll shut it.What does "Lhuna" mean (besides possibly "Moon")?
Publicado por KaNnA en 18:48 0 comentarios
domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008
M.J. is hot
No,I don't mean Michael Jackson (haha,not funny).
Publicado por KaNnA en 1:54 0 comentarios
jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008
Famous babies

Publicado por KaNnA en 16:00 0 comentarios
Victoria Beckham Collection
Vic does her own clothing ¿finally?The advert looks more than beautiful.It's so Vicky and so...¿Coco Chanel?I've never actually liked Victoria's style,due to the fact that it was always boring.Like every time I see her in a magazine I see the same picture over and over again...although I can't deny the fact that she is a huge fashion icon.
And maybe I'm not Vicky's biggest fan,but the collection looks great and hopefully Vic is gonna bring some of her own style and reduce some of the every-popular-designer-style.But anyhow...even though I'm not at all excited,congrats Vicky!
Publicado por KaNnA en 15:45 0 comentarios
Publicado por KaNnA en 15:26 0 comentarios
miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008
Party Dresses
StyleWillSaveUs tells us 10 ways on how to wear a party dress...
Publicado por KaNnA en 16:49 0 comentarios
lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008
Rihanna does Gucci
Yet again,Gucci proves they find the best way to advertise.Any thoughts?
Publicado por KaNnA en 18:26 0 comentarios
Song of the week 7
Okay,so I know Sugababes aren't what they used to be but the video is smokin' hot.If you ever feel like your music career isn't doing so good,always call some hot male models over and shoot a music video.So I'll give them 5 stars for that.Sugababes a la Kiley Minogue-Slow.
Publicado por KaNnA en 17:42 0 comentarios
Jon is PERFECTION (interview)
60 Axioms about Jon Kortajarena
"The golden boy"
Jon Kortajarena leads the (very well) endowed army of Spanish male models. No campaign can resist his harmonious face and there is no designer who does not request for his praxitelian body. Vanidad takes you close to the most intimate aspect of one of the most beautiful faces on the planet. Diesel boy, Guess and Tom Ford for the next season, you are before a man made of a completely different genetic material.
1: Jon Kortajarena arrives punctually at the photoshooting. He is wearing a checked shirt, jeans and white trainers.
2: Right now he is number 9 in the prestigious ranking of Male Top Models of Models.com.
3: So far he has done Diesel, Tom Ford and Guess for the following season.
4: He comes from Bilbao.
5: He has been living in Madrid since last February.
6: Right now he is looking for an apartment in Madrid. He would like some place in the centre with plenty of light and a terrace if possible
7: He used to live in New York but he likes to change.
8: He likes traditional places in Bilbao, La Plaza Nueva and the old town.
9: Jon has got an eight-year-old sister whom he loves more than everything, He calls her his princess.
10: First thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is to prepare some orange juice and smoke a cigarette.
11: As a child he went through lots of phases…he wanted to be a wall painter, a fireman, supermarket cashier…every three months he wanted to be something different..
12: He has lots of interests and right now he doesn´t want to think of what to become when he is not a model anymore. He hopes life gives him clues about which way to choose.
13: He feels like growing up as a person, know and learn lots of things.
14: He was about to start Publicity and Public Relations at university when he was offered to work as a model and he decided to take a year off to try.
15: Jon loves eating.
16: Among his favourite dishes are eggs with fries and a good seafood feast with champagne.
17: His grandmother makes some wonderful meals and he is convinced some of the best restaurants are in his hometown
18: During the photoshooting he ate an Iberian ham sandwich.
19: He loves lots of films, among them “My life without me” and “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”.
20: Jon is a fan of Al Pacino
21: Last film he has seen is “Dangerous liaisons”
22: The book he is reading now is “the power of now” by Ekhar Tolle.
23: He worships “the Kiss” by Gustav Klimt.
24: “It is time for a love revolution” by Lenny Kravitz is one of his everyday records. He also loves Sunday Drivers.
25: Kortajarena felt very good with his 200 pages in L´Officiel in Paris. It took him one month to finish it but he thinks it could have been done differently.
26: His favourite designer is Tom Ford.
27: His favourite brand is Diesel.
28: The piece of clothing he is most fond of is a t-shirt full of holes it has lived with him all his life
29: Jon considers Paris and Instambul the most romantic cities in the world.
30: New York and Madrid are two cities he could live in.
31: Among the cities he still does not know and would like to know the main one is Buenos Aires
32: Jon loves Terry Richardson and everything about him. He finds it very interesting the dirty and sexy way he sees sex. He states that while working he makes him feel very well.
33: He assures one of the advantages of his profession is to be able to meet someone as clever and interesting as Karl Lagerfeld.
34: He repeats that his beauty secret is to be good with himself.
35: He is going through a very good personal phase and that shows in his professional life.
36: Jon sleeps naked
37: His beard grows freely if he is not working.
38: Espidifen is never missing in his travel bag, which he uses when he is very tired after getting up at six am for 15 days at a row.
39: The most rewarding thing for him is to know that what he is doing, he is doing it right.
40: He likes being honest with himself and listening to himself.
41: He wouldn´t like to be like anybody else.
42: To him the coolest thing is to be able to mould yourself.
43: He loves observing and learning from other people.
44: He feels the natural way is the nicest thing in the world.
45: He is very into street markets, especially markets in NY. He loves mixing vintage clothes with really expensive outfits.
46: Among all female models, his favourite ones are Laura Sanchez, Esther Cañadas and Kate Moss.
47: About perfume, he uses Tabac of Tom Ford or Déclaration of Cartier.
48: Jon goes to bed very late.
49: He likes going out at night. He is slow to start but once out he gives it all.
50: Around the world, his favourite club is The Box in NY.
51: He would like to be able to go to Bilbao more often.
52: He usually goes jogging and swimming.
53: Kortajarena believes in values based on mutual respect. He believes you get what you project.
54: He wouldn´t use plastic surgery. He considers physical decay as a natural part of people and the most important thing is to age happily.
55: He clearly considers the worst evils in the world are envy, lie and excessive ambition.
56: So far he has not felt harassed by the media, but he clearly would not permit it.
57: He has been looking for some Dior pants for a long time.
58: He is more into Lady Di than Charles of England.
59: He smokes Malboro cigarettes.
60: Personally Jon sees himself very well.
Publicado por KaNnA en 17:13 0 comentarios
Jon is PERFECTION (the pics)
WHOA!!!I found the photos!I finally did!On his web-page (duh!)...it's a 12-pages editorial with JON in the Spanish magazine VANIDAD,plus 60 axioms to know Jon a little better (so it says on the web page and so it is).So what am I gonna do?I'm gonna post the whole interview AND the pictures.Although I do not own these pictures,I took them form Jon's site which he probably took from the magazine.LOVE U JON!!!!

Publicado por KaNnA en 16:52 0 comentarios